All RAMAWORKS employees apply for resignation?


On August 29, 2024, a single post on the RAMAWORKS thread on the online information site reddit, claiming to be a “former employee,” became the topic of discussion.


Let’s translate the postings into Japanese.

Hey, r/MK.

I am Ben, a former Ramaworks employee.
To prove that I am a former employee, here are some of my boards with unpublished cap sets.

In light of the recent controversy surrounding the mass exodus of RAMA WORKS employees, we felt it necessary to issue this statement to clarify certain facts.

Due to previous employment agreements and strict confidentiality agreements, we have been cautious about discussing these issues publicly, but have now been granted full permission to do so.

Due to obligations to pay approximately four months’ wages, a year’s worth of retirement plan contributions, and other employment benefits, the entire staff team submitted their resignations.

As of this writing, most of these issues have not yet been resolved.

Despite the lack of compensation and the challenges presented by senior management, we tried our best to perform as many customer support, project management, product fulfillment, and other duties as possible. Unfortunately, the rising cost of living made this effort unsustainable and we were forced to look for new work.

After the termination of employment, we issued a statutory demand letter from our creditors, giving RWH PTY LTD a deadline to pay the outstanding entitlements. We are not surprised now that this demand was ignored by the company directors.

The next step is to file an application for liquidation of the company which allows the liquidator to intervene and settle the outstanding debts.

A hearing on this matter will be held in the Supreme Court of Victoria relatively soon, and we will update you on the progress at a later date.

As for our valued clients, we are truly sorry for the lack of updates and the difficulty you are having in getting what you are paying for. We have had the exact same experience.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for the role we played in this matter. None of us had access to, or control over, the company’s finances.

We naively believed that we were acting for the good of the company and its stakeholders by doing our respective roles, even though we were not paid.

This is obviously a huge personal and financial risk, and we are now suffering because of it.

In hindsight, perhaps I should have left the problem to those responsible at the first sign of trouble.

The job market in Australia is in dire straits right now and most of us have been looking for new employment for some time and still remain unemployed. On top of that, we have been covering our own expenses for the past 6+ months.

For many of you, the natural reaction would be anger, and it would be entirely justified.

We understand and share many such sentiments.

You all have been trading with what you thought was a reputable brand, but you are not getting the goods for the price you paid.

It is truly unfortunate that what started out as an exciting adventure has turned into the fiasco that it is today.

(Some translations are intentional.)

This story suggests that RAMA was still insolvent.

Considering that I ordered KARA from RAMA two years ago and still have not received it, it is possible that I will never receive it again and may have difficulty recovering my purchase funds.

As for the custom keyboard area, there are still many “GBs” (group buys), as it has become a niche market worldwide.

After all, keyboards with metal enclosures are very attractive, but since there is not enough of a market to mass-produce and sell out, there is a method of soliciting investment from some fans and then producing and selling them when the minimum order quantity (MOQ) is reached.

Compared to 2021, when I started participating in this area, I do not see many “anxious GBs” that will be shipped several years later, but I still cannot deny the possibility that there are operators like RAMA who do not mind “betrayal to consumers”.

For such businesses, we feel that it is necessary to carefully conduct preliminary research on whether they are trustworthy or not in communities such as social networking sites.

I hereby commend Ben for his courage in posting the current situation on reddit.



河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

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