Hara Shin Farzan motif WS Entwined Flowers Keycap Set is now available in GB at Wuque Studio until March 20, 2024.


Note: GB is now also available at the Japanese vendor, Yousha Kobo.

It is cheaper than the official price by no means, so if you live in Japan, it is more economical to purchase from here.

The “WS Entwined Flowers Keycap Set” GB is currently being held at Wuque Studio.

The WS Entwined Flowers Keycap Set is inspired by the Farzan of “Hara Shen”.


The contents are enjoyable enough for both Harakami fans and non-fans alike, and the cold colors with flower motifs will decorate your desk in a cool way.

It is recommended to purchase the base kit + novelty kit as well as the metal artisan keycap and desk mat.

The GB ends March 20, Beijing time, and shipping is scheduled for June.

Prices are as follows

  • Base Kit + Novelty Kit|$89.00
  • Metal Artisan Key Cap|$20.00
  • Desk mat (Elegance)|$22.00
  • Desk mat (luminous polyhedron)|$22.00
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