YUZU Custom Keycaps now includes Alec Toru’s “Hawk44”!


On November 22, 2024, Alec Toru announced at X that his new 40% keyboard design, the Hawk44, has been added to the YUZU Custom Keycaps lineup, a custom keycap production service.


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Hawk44 is a 40% layout homebrew keyboard that supports wireless connectivity.

A key feature is that wireless connectivity is also possible through the use of BLE Micro Pro.

They are also available in ProMicro.

This kit requires soldering for assembly.

Hawk44 is available for purchase here ▷▷▷.

Kawamura top RKawamura

It’s created like this:
The HHKB-like bottom row and ISO enter are cool.
This is a perfect keyboard for small keyboard users who want to learn thumb backspace! This is cool.

Coupon YUZU 1

This is the second case of registration from Japan, following the recently requested Keyball series. (except for Corne, which is major worldwide)

Simon, one of the owners of YUZU, is a fan of Japanese home-built keyboard culture, which is probably why he is so flexible.

Those interested in Hawk44 can find more information here.

For more information on Hawk44, click here ▷▷▷.

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