ALTAIR & ALTAIR-X GB Start Date Set for April 29, 2024|Exclusive Key Caps to be Released


On April 5, 2024, Cannonkeys announced the GB start date for its new split keyboards, ALTAIR & ALTAIR-X, to its official discord and notification email subscribers.

Kawamura top RKawamura

Like Cannonkeys, the American keyboard community almost never updates X….


GB Schedule

  • GB start: April 29, 2024
  • GB end: June 3, 2024
  • Vendor: To be determined

In conjunction with this, the release of a special keycap was also announced.

  • Altair-X: $30.00
  • Altair: $27.00
Altair Keycaps 2 Update 2 scaled

The keycaps were designed by RHHDailo and are made of NicePBT.

Available starting at $27.00, this is a must-have add-on set for Altair buyers.

The keycap printing is also customized exclusively for Altair, with legends such as “(“, “)”, “-“, and “=” that are not available on regular keycap sets.

AltairX Keycaps 2 Update scaled

As for the Altair-X-specific keycaps, they have excellent usability, such as the Operator, designed by biip, with sublegend waved on the Q line.

Kawamura top RKawamura

This area may not match the key layout you wish to set up, but keycaps are fashion, so enjoy the look.

What is expected is that it will be sold in Japan.

At this time, no official vendor has been announced and the product is not yet available in Japan.

However, since split keyboards seem to be very popular in Japan as well as in the rest of the world, it is possible that a GB will be held with Yousha Kobo and others as vendors.

Let’s wait for further information.

Kawamura top RKawamura

I am expecting that ai03 will participate in Tenkey Vol. 6 as a staff member, so maybe we will be able to see the actual machine……..

Information reference: https: //

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