Crowdfunding for Keychron K2 HE Ends|Late Pledges Accepted


Crowdfunding for the Keychron K2 HE magnetic keyboard, which has been on Kickstarter since August 7, 2024, ended on September 13.

The final number of backers was 6,048 and the total pledged amount was $ 1,078,532, or 151,905,839 Japanese yen (152 million yen).

Kawamura top RKawamura

150 million yen for a keyboard…what is going on lol

However, although the crowdfunding has been completed, there has been a rare “delayed pledge” because the number of rewards did not meet the originally planned number of rewards.

Late Pledges|The ability to continue to support (purchase) available rewards.

In other words, you can “rush to purchase”.

Currently, there is a surplus of reward slots available as follows

rewardAmount of supportremaining numberContents
standard edition$125.0034keyboard set
Special Edition (ISO)$135.0045keyboard set
Special Edition (ANSl)$135.0024keyboard set
Labor Day Special Bundle$171.0023Complete set of keyboards
Carrying case
Silicone palm rest
Special Edition (ANSl) x 2$265.0018Keyboard set x 2

Since the program is being implemented worldwide, it is possible that the stipulated number of sales has already been reached.

If you are interested in purchasing, please do so as soon as possible.

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

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