KPrepublic introduces CAPXXX, a cosmetic keycap


KPrepublic now offers the “CAPXXX” keycap at its official online store.

The lineup this time includes the following three types.

  • CAPXXX Remodeling Plan Keycap pbt doubleshot Dye Subbed acklit (BLUE)
  • CAPXXX Remodeling Plan Keycap pbt doubleshot Dye Subbed acklit (GREEN)
  • CAPXXX Alert Keycap Warning Dye Subbed Keycap

The prices for each are as follows


  • CAPXXX Remodeling Plan Keycap:$55.31(Blue / Green)
  • CAPXXX Alert Keycap Warning:$42.12(All in one)/$28.47(Base)/$18.04(PC)

CAPXXX Remodeling Plan Keycap pbt doubleshot Dye Subbed acklit

CAPXXX Alert Keycap Warning Dye Subbed Keycap

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Both keycaps have a similar world view, but ALERT seems slightly more docile and sophisticated.

You have a very good looking keycap that is transparent to the LEDs.

What is still surprising is its price.

This quality can be purchased for as little as $50.00.

If you are interested, please check it out.

Enter coupon code “HOTTYHOTTEA” for $5.00 off your first purchase only.

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