Launch Campaign for HHKB Studio Exclusive Keycap Sets|Winner is KAT Operator Present


GreenEchoes Studio is launching a giveaway campaign in conjunction with the official X to celebrate the release of a set of replacement keycaps for the HHKB Studio by Keyreative, scheduled for release on October 25, 2024.

Kawamura top RKawamura


(To be frank, we do not want a customer list, we just want to keep track of the approximate number of people to whom we distribute coupons. We are calculating the money by assuming that the number of newsletter subscribers = the number of people to whom we distribute the coupons.)

HHKB Studio Keycaps Update Information Registration Form

HHKB Studio Keycaps Campaign
  • 期間:2024年10月13日から10月19日
  • Scheduled date of campaign post submission: 8:00 p.m., October 13, 2024
  • キャンペーン終了予定日:2024年10月19日午後8時

Application Requirements

  • Follow the official Keyreative SNS account ( @keyreative_)
  • Follow GreenEchoes Studio representative Kawamura’s official SNS account ( @Hottyhottea )
  • Like” and “repost” campaign posts

gift items

The following set will be given away to one person selected by drawing from those who fulfill the above application requirements.

  • KAT Operater Base Kit + HHKB Studio Kit
  • GreenkeysオリジナルTシャツ(メンズビッグシルエットLサイズ
  • Greenkeys original sticker

Date of announcement of winners

October 20, 2024 (announced from @Hottyhottea account)

When the present “KAT Operator” is installed, it looks like this.

dairiseki 4 scaled
HHKB Studio Yuki 04
White 4 scaled
HHKB Studio Yuki 07
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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。


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