Story of Gravity36

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We will give you a chance to remember your “challenging self”.

A human interface device just for you.

“Less is more.”

Less is more : Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ( from Germany )

-A 36-key design focused on only the essentials.

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Gravity36 is a 36-key keyboard that eliminates all waste and takes functionality and beauty to the extreme.

The small number of keys provides a simple yet efficient typing experience.

The design condenses only the necessary functions, allowing you to concentrate on your work without being distracted by superfluous objects.

There is no escaping the “gravity” of this attractive keyboard.

“Time flies when you’re having fun.”

Time flies when you’re having fun: quotes from the English-speaking world

Time flies when you’re hooked.”

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The quote, “Time flies when you’re absorbed in something,” is one of those truisms that we can all share.

‘I can’t do it, but it’s fun, and I’m hooked on wanting to be able to do it.’

How can we forget such simple and wonderful feelings?

We find ourselves growing up and living our lives by doing what we can, not tackling what we can’t.

These two separate katamari are devices “for geeks” who enjoy “what they can’t do” and the process of becoming able to do it.

“It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

Success is not final, and failure is not fatal. What matters is the courage to keep trying.”

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The reality is that modern society is dominated by “efficiency” and what is sought is “results”.

However, do not forget.

That the fun is in the “process of taking on challenges.

This device will be your own personal companion to “enjoy both failure and success.
