Mode Loop TKL is back in stock at Mode Designs|Pre-orders are now being accepted!


On March 12, 2024, US-based keyboard brand Mode Designs updated its official X to announce that the company’s 80% TKL layout keyboard, Mode Loop, is now in stock and available for pre-order.

Mode Desings uses a semi-order system called Configuration Yours, which allows you to choose various parts according to your own preferences.

Prices vary depending on the combination, but Loop’s selling price starts at $299.00.

One of the main characteristics of Mode Designs is its unique keystroke feel and sound.

This is made possible by the Lattice Block Mounting System.

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By floating the substrate through this hollowed-out silicon material, it is possible to achieve a comfortable keystroke feel that is neither too hard nor too soft.

It is a bit of a high-end keyboard, but there is no harm in buying it.

Please consider it.

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

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