Crakey’s red color will be in stock|May 28, 2024


On May 27, 2024, Cerakey updated its official X to announce that the “red” color, which had been out of stock, is now back in stock.

Two types are available in stock, with and without engraving.

The most dazzling “red” color you have ever seen will add a splash of color to your desk.

Prices start at $135.00 for the full set and $59.00 for the alpha key only A set.


Since neither set includes a homing keycap, it is recommended that the “I Set ($5.00)” be purchased as part of the set.

Please use the coupon code ” ryo10 ” to receive a $5.00 discount off the product price, thanks to the partnership between this site and Cerakey.

Coupon codes can be entered on the cart screen.

Coupon Cerakey

Cerakey Discount Code


to save $5.00 off your purchase.

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