MelGeek Hosts Summer Sale! Chance to save up to 40% off|End July 25, 2023


On July 11, 2023, MelGeek, a custom keyboard brand, announced a summer sale to its mailing list subscribers and on Discord.

The period is 14 days, from July 11 to 25, 2023, and is an opportunity to purchase the product at up to 40% off.

Here is an example of a product.


MelGeek Pixel: $299. 00 $249.00


MelGeek Mojo68 Plastic: $199.00 $179.00


MelGeek Mojo68 Christian: $199. 00 $179.00

Kawamura top RKawamura

The Christian model, which has additional foam and is quieter than the previous Mojo68, is also on sale.


MelGeek Mojo68 Neon: $199. 00 $159.00

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MelGeek MCR Horseman : $89.99$53.99

MelGeek Re-Cap MG Ember /Dusk: $120. 00$72.00

MelGeek MDA Label : $59.99$35.99

Other items on sale include custom cables, PCBs, and cases.

Unfortunately, the sale does not cover keyswitches, but the highly regarded “Kailh Custom Plastic” on the Mojo68 is only available here, so if you are interested, you should purchase it.

In addition, coupon codes from MelGeek and this site’s partnership can be used together to save even more money.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Coupon Melgeek

to save 8% off your purchase.

Discount Code: ryo10


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