How to change keymap using VIA on NuPhy Air75v2/Air60v2


Air75v2/Air60v2, released in 2023, is QMK/VIA compliant, allowing easy keymap changes on the GUI without programming knowledge.

However, since each of these mechanisms was not introduced in the v1 model when it was first released, many people may find it difficult to make the changes or do not know how to set them up.

Here we will tell you how to change the keymap for Air75v2/Air60v2.


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How to change the keymap for Air75v2/Air60v2

First, a “.json” file is required before any keymap changes can be made.

Image reference:

Download the software from the download page of the official website below.

keymap change procedure

IMG 20231020 062017 scaled

Connect the Air75v2 or Air60v2 to your PC /Mac with the Air75v2 or Air60v2 set to wired connection mode.


Access VIA ( ) from your browser.


Click on “AUTHORIZE NEW” and select “Air75v2” or “Air60v2” and click on the Connect button to allow the browser to load the file.


Click on the second “paint brush symbol (Design tab)” from the right, then click on “Upload Area”.

On the file selection screen, select the json file downloaded from the official site.

The work is now complete.

Then select the “CONFIGURE” tab and change the keymap.


What to do when you cannot change the keymap for Air75v2/Air60v2

This section is for those who cannot change the keymap.


To change the keymap, a special file called “json” is required. Download the json file from the official site and load it from the Design tab on the VIA site to change the keymap.


Air75v2/Air60v2 has a physical keyswitch for OS switching, and in Mac mode, “Layer0” is the default layer and “Layer1” is the second layer.

When in Win mode, the default layer is “Layer2” and the second layer is “Layer3”.

If you are a Windows user, and you are using in Win mode, you will feel that your keymap changes will not be reflected unless you change “Layer2” and “Layer3”.

The reason why Air75v2/Air60v2 keymap changes are not available is because the json files have not yet been merged into VIA.

Normally, if you connect a VIA-compatible keyboard by wire and access the VIA site, it will start loading automatically and you can change the keymap without having to read the json file.

However, as for the Air v2 series, since it has just been released, it seems that the json files required for keymap changes have not been registered with VIA.

This is the reason why many people seem to get tripped up on changing keymaps.

Kawamura top RKawamura

Perhaps in time it will be possible to change the keymap without reading the json file.

Tidbits on changing the keymap


VIA has an intuitive UI, so you will not have that much trouble changing keymaps.

The basic usage is to simply drag and drop the key switch symbol you wish to change onto the keyswitch section of your choice, and the change will be reflected in real time.

However, there is actually quite a lot that can be done with QMK, which is the root of VIA.

Click here for the explanation page ▷▷▷

Set up macros

Macros can be set up to create buttons that automate certain operations by registering specific operations.

Record a specific operation from the Macro Registration tab and set the M button.


Modifiers :id=modifiers (simultaneous key presses)

LCTL(kc)C(kc)Hold Left Control and press kc
LSFT(kc)S(kc)Hold Left Shift and press kc
LALT(kc)A(kc), LOPT(kc)Hold Left Alt and press kc
LGUI(kc)G(kc), LCMD(kc), LWIN(kc)Hold Left GUI and press kc
RCTL(kc)Hold Right Control and press kc
RSFT(kc)Hold Right Shift and press kc
RALT(kc)ROPT(kc), ALGR(kc)Hold Right Alt (AltGr) and press kc
RGUI(kc)RCMD(kc), RWIN(kc)Hold Right GUI and press kc
LSG(kc)SGUI(kc), SCMD(kc), SWIN(kc)Hold Left Shift and Left GUI and press kc
LAG(kc)Hold Left Alt and Left GUI and press kc
RSG(kc)Hold Right Shift and Right GUI and press kc
RAG(kc)Hold Right Alt and Right GUI and press kc
LCA(kc)Hold Left Control and Alt and press kc
LSA(kc)Hold Left Shift and Left Alt and press kc
RSA(kc)SAGR(kc)Hold Right Shift and Right Alt (AltGr) and press kc
RCS(kc)Hold Right Control and Right Shift and press kc
LCAG(kc)Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press kc
MEH(kc)Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press kc
HYPR(kc)Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press kc
KC_MEHLeft Control, Shift and Alt
KC_HYPRLeft Control, Shift, Alt and GUI
Cited from:

Thus, simultaneous pressing with certain keyswitches can be realized.

For example, if you want to set up a shortcut for the paste button (CTRL +V), set the Any key in SPECIAL, and in the Any key setting field


to create a paste button.


Configure MOD-TAP

MOD-TAP is a very useful mechanism of QMK.

It is possible to have different key functions for long press (HOLD) behavior and single press (TAP) behavior.

MT(mod, kc)mod when held, kc when tapped
LCTL_T(kc)CTL_T(kc)Left Control when held, kc when tapped
LSFT_T(kc)SFT_T(kc)Left Shift when held, kc when tapped
LALT_T(kc)LOPT_T(kc), ALT_T(kc), OPT_T(kc)Left Alt when held, kc when tapped
LGUI_T(kc)LCMD_T(kc), LWIN_T(kc), GUI_T(kc), CMD_T(kc) WIN_T(kc)Left GUI when held, kc when tapped
RCTL_T(kc)Right Control when held, kc when tapped
RSFT_T(kc)Right Shift when held, kc when tapped
RALT_T(kc)ROPT_T(kc), ALGR_T(kc)Right Alt (AltGr) when held, kc when tapped
RGUI_T(kc)RCMD_T(kc), RWIN_T(kc)Right GUI when held, kc when tapped
LSG_T(kc)SGUI_T(kc), SCMD_T(kc), SWIN_T(kc)Left Shift and GUI when held, kc when tapped
LAG_T(kc)Left Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped
RSG_T(kc)Right Shift and GUI when held, kc when tapped
RAG_T(kc)Right Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped
LCA_T(kc)Left Control and Alt when held, kc when tapped
LSA_T(kc)Left Shift and Left Alt when held, kc when tapped
RSA_T(kc)SAGR_T(kc)Right Shift and Right Alt (AltGr) when held, kc when tapped
RCS_T(kc)Right Control and Right Shift when held, kc when tapped
LCAG_T(kc)Left Control, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped
RCAG_T(kc)Right Control, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped
C_S_T(kc)Left Control and Shift when held, kc when tapped
MEH_T(kc)Left Control, Shift and Alt when held, kc when tapped
HYPR_T(kc)ALL_T(kc)Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI when held, kc when tapped – more info here
Cited from:
Kawamura top RKawamura

For example, setting MT(MOD_RSFT, KC_SLSH) will function as a shift key when long pressed and / when single pressed.

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