KEEBMAT “FELT” Series Restocked for One-Day Sale|Up to 20% Off with Restocking Discount


On April 1, 2024, KEEBMAT announced in an email to existing customers that KEEBMAT’s long out-of-stock FELT series (medium gray) is back in stock.

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KEEBMAT in medium gray

The restocking was set for April 2, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. Japan time, and a limited sale was held to coincide with the restocking.

The discount rate for the restocking sale is a whopping 25% off.

This 25% off (as is customary at KEEBMAT) only applies for the first hour of the sale.

Kawamura top RKawamura

The article was posted on April 2 at about 10 PM, but for some reason the time difference calculation did not match the official one and I did not make it to the 25% off sale.
And sorry for not posting the coupon code.

The sale includes all items, not just the restocked FELT KEEBMAT.

Thereafter, the discount rate will gradually decrease and the schedule will be as follows

KEEBMAT Discount Schedule

  1. 25% off|1 hour from 11:00 p.m. on April 2, 2024 to midnight on April 3, 2024 (end of day)
  2. 20% off|April 3, 2024 at midnight to April 4, 2024 at midnight

25% off coupon code: effingfinallynow

20% off coupon code: effingfinally

↑upCopy and use!

Incidentally, shipping to Japan is about $6.8 to $7.3.

I bought more
Kawamura top RKawamura

You only have one day to take advantage of this opportunity, so don’t miss it.

20% off coupon code: effingfinally

Incidentally, the original KEEBMAT also comes in new colors.

20% off coupon code: effingfinally

About KEEBMAT Sizing and Selection

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Here’s a little something for your reference.

This is a picture of HHKB Studio on top of KEEBMAT for 65%.

The top and bottom are perfectly aligned like this, and there is a considerable margin on the left and right.

Let’s use the same mat to place another keyboard.

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MX Keys Mini
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TEX Shura
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Magic Keyboard
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Lofree Dot Foundation

If you put a 65% or 75% keyboard on the “KEEBMAT for 65%” like this, you will not enjoy the margins.

Let’s try placing a 40% keyboard, which is one size smaller.

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I think the presence of KEEBMAT at the desk would be enhanced if there were a little extra space like this.

Please refer to this page for reference when purchasing.

20% off coupon code: effingfinally

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。
