MELETRIX Announces the Start of Pre-Order for ZOOM TKL|New Colors Added


On March 13, 2024, MELETRIX, famous for its Zoom and Boog series, announced the opening of preorders for the Zoom TKL.

Orders will begin at 9:30 a.m. on March 14, 2024. (The official website image and the announcement dates for the mailing list are different, so refer to the earlier one)

In addition to the existing white and black, new colors “Milk Tea” and “Milky Green” will be available this time.

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Price will be $189.00 without keycap.

The Zoom series is famous for its rich color lineup, and popular colors are so popular that even if they are pre-ordered, they soon become out of stock.

The new “Milky Green” color will probably be a contender this time.

If you are inspired, please order from the official website.

Information reference: MELETRIX

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