MelGeek MADE68 price announced|Second keyboard with magnetic switches


On June 7, 2024, MelGeek announced the pricing and sales schedule for the MADE68 65% layout magnetic keyboard on various channels.

The selling price is probably $119.00 for a limited time, and sales will begin on June 15.

Magnetic keyswitches, plus Mojo-series-like looks at a great price…!

The gray base with purple accents is very beautiful.

Kawamura top RKawamura

This product is going to be very popular…!

For a limited time, we are also offering a deposit payment campaign.

Coupon Melgeek

to save 8% off your purchase.

Discount Code: ryo10

After all, one of the best features of MADE68 is the use of magnetic keyswitches.

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Many people will be interested in the so-called “first plane colors,” which are purple and yellowish green.

Details have not yet been disclosed, but we await further information.

Information reference: https: //

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