New color “Copper Eagle” from Awekeys Japan to start crowdfunding on CAMPFIRE on November 15


Image reference: https: //

On October 25, 2024, Awekeys Japan updated its official X to announce that it will begin crowdfunding for metal keycaps, including the new “Copper Eagle” color, on the crowdfunding site CAMPFIRE on November 15, 2024.

Sales have already begun on the official website, and the product has landed in Japan through an authorized Japanese distributor.

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Kawamura top RKawamura

I thought this keyboard looked familiar, it looks like an Envoy from Mode Designs. (I have one.)

The gold coloring sold to date has been a “yellowish” coloring, but this one is an “orangeish” coloring, creating a gorgeous atmosphere that is truly “Copper”.

Also very cool is the giant eagle engraved on the enter and backspace keys.

Let’s wait for further information.

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。


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