As of 5:00 AM on February 17, 2025, all of the Gravity36 optional acrylic sets we had available were sold out.
Other reports on the sales progress of Gravity36 will be presented.

Representative of GreenEchoes Studio
He launched his own media as a site operator and web writer, and now plans and manages multiple corporate media. He often types heavily in his work, and in his search for greater efficiency, he became addicted to the keyboard swamp and established “GreenKeys”.

Optional acrylic set sold out
To our great delight, the acrylic set we prepared as an option has sold out.

As for reorders, orders will be placed when a certain number of reorder notifications have been registered.
If you would like to join us, please register.

As for sales trends, smoke was still very popular.
The clear, neon, and red were purchased in that order and sold out.
As for neon and red, I am glad to see that some of you have purchased them, as they were colors that I was quite attached to.
Yousha Kobo also offers custom color orders for acrylics.
Current Gravity36 inventory levels

Initially, the number of kits prepared for the online store was 80 sets.
At this time, 49 sets have been sold, with 31 sets remaining.
It has been about a week since its release on February 9, and we received the most orders immediately after the release and have been receiving orders consistently since then.
The number of orders increased, especially after being featured in the weekly reports ofYamakafu, Daihuku, and Salicylic Acid.
Thank you very much.
The special price will be available until February 23, 2011.
For those who want to see the actual Gravity36
I’d still like to see the actual machine! I’d like to see the actual machine before I buy it!” I think there are some people who say, “I’d like to see the actual machine first!
As for here, we are currently making adjustments.
As keyboard fans may not need to be told (I’m sure it’s that timing, right?), we are diligently preparing for the event.
Report of incoming Gravity36
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The first shipment was sent out on Saturday, February 15, and is gradually being received.
This is a report of this incoming call, but as a seller, I am so happy that it brings tears to my eyes.
We are observing this area and look forward to receiving your Gravity36 bullet reports.
Exploring what we can do as Greenkeys
As for the launch of Gravity36, the underlying concept was to “challenge the world to become aware of self-made keyboards.
I have been participating in this neighborhood for about two years now.
Frankly speaking, what I am thinking is that there are so many attractive works, but not many opportunities to get out there.
However, there is a very sensitive aspect to this, and it must be taken into consideration that if you are designing and distributing a product as an extension of your hobby, you are not seeking to expand it.
However, it still takes a lot of time to develop, and it is easy to imagine that it would be quite expensive, partly due to repeated prototyping.
After all, one of the conditions for raising such costs is that the work must sell.
However, if the product is sold on a large scale by an individual, it will reach a large number of people, and the Product Liability Law (PL Law), which the seller must assume, will need to be fully considered.
In addition to preparing the store to sell, “advertising and publicity” is also necessary.
In addition, the initial cost of purchasing the parts and the assembly and shipping that must be allocated to the project make it quite a hurdle for an individual to do it all.

It definitely takes a lot of guts to do this on an individual level.
I found out when I first started selling, what a superman Mr. Salicylic Acid is for doing this from scratch.
After all, if the work is attractive and its design creator wants it to be, my desire is to bring that work to as many people as possible.
However, it must also be made into a business, not just a volunteer program.
We hope that the Gravity36 case will serve as one model case.
I would like to explore what I can do while also talking with company representatives who share my sentiments.
So that was the sales status report for Gravity36.
Although the specifications are very sharp and dare to be called “36keys,” they have been purchased by many people because of their fashionable nuance.

This price, with keycap, is a bit hard to beat.
The special price is available until February 23.
Please purchase while supplies last.