PFU Corporation releases exclusive optional parts such as unmarked keycaps for HHKB Studio


On March 5, 2024, PFU Corporation, the distributor of HHKB, announced on its official X account the launch of two products exclusively for HHKB Studio.

The keytop set for HHKB Studio is unmarked.

The elimination of the legend from the stock “sumi” color keytops has resulted in a very clean look.


As for HHKB Studio, 3D data of dedicated keytops is available, but it is still a hurdle for individuals to place an order.

Thus, we can say that we are very happy to see the official release of the product.

Combined with a rubber for a replacement pointing device, it would look even cooler.

The price differs depending on the layout: 6,600 yen (including tax) for the English layout and 7,590 yen (including tax) for the Japanese layout.

The keyboard roof (made by Bird Electronics), which was released in conjunction with the product, is made of polycarbonate resin with a grained appearance, and is expected to protect the keyboard from dust.

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created by Rinker
¥4,730 (2024/04/27 09:29:07時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

The HHKB Studio all-in-one device has been in short supply since its launch, but is now easier to purchase.

Please purchase together if you are considering.

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Discount Code: ryo10

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