SixtyFive’s simulator is now operational|Mode Designs’ new keyboard


On April 2, 2024, Mode Designs announced on its official discord that its new “Sixty Five” keyboard simulator is now operational.

The most important feature of Mode Designs keyboards is that they are available on a “semi-custom” basis.

It is very attractive to be able to customize and order not only the body color, but also very fine details such as the color of accessories and PCB specifications.

front bg white S1d3d caps dark

Your own one-of-a-kind unit completed by combination can also be shared through build codes, a system that allows interaction among fans even before purchase.

Why not start by using the simulator to virtually build your own one-of-a-kind vehicle?

Prices start at $249.00 and you can save $20.00 with the coupon code below.

Coupon code: 65DAY1

*Effective until April 18, 2024

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