Topre “REALFORCE” launches three new models with split space bar, etc.


On September 3, 2024, Topre Corporation announced the release of three new models and six new models of its REALFORCE keyboard brand on its official X

Reference: Topre Adds Three Models and Six Models to REALFORCE R3 Keyboard Lineup Including “Separate Space Key” Model (Press Release)

The newly added models are three models and six models in the REALFORCE R3 series.

All the models released this time are “Japanese-language” layouts.

Models released this time

model numberProduct FeaturesSizecolorselling price
R3HI17separate space keyfull size (computer, e.g.)black38,280 yen
R3HA61replying to someone’s email after a long delayblack37,180 yen
R3HA71replying to someone’s email after a long delaysuper white37,180 yen
R3HC52Limited Edition Ivory TKLtenkeylessivory38,720 yen
R3HA61replying to someone’s email after a long delayblack36,520 yen
R3HC71replying to someone’s email after a long delaysuper white36,520 yen
All prices include tax
Kawamura top R

Representative of GreenEchoes Studio

Ryosuke Kawamura

He launched his own media as a site operator and web writer, and now plans and manages multiple corporate media. He often types heavily in his work, and in his search for greater efficiency, he became addicted to the keyboard swamp and established “GreenKeys”.


What on earth is new?

Because there are so many different types of REALFORCE R3 series, many people may find it difficult to understand what is new.

Detailed differences are explained below.

The six models in this issue are all Japanese-language models, which means that the Enter key has a gnarled shape, which is probably the most common type of keyboard layout in Japan.

Then, there are two main categories: those with numeric keypad and those without numeric keypad.

With numeric keypadwithout numeric keypad

JIS layout model without Japanese “Kana” notation

The new version is without “Kana” notation, whereas the normal Japanese layout has “Kana” notation.

With numeric keypadwithout numeric keypad
R3HA11 (without kana)
R3HA21 (without kana)
R3HA61 (without kana)
R3HA71 (without kana)
Only models without kana are listed

This “with or without kana” will be easier to understand if you compare images.

mainphoto 3
Kana “Yes” model
mainphoto 2
Kana “None” model

Thus, the absence of the “kana” legend makes it look as clean as an English sequence.

However, the English layout is “center legend” while the Japanese layout “without kana” model is “upper left legend”.

mainphoto 4
English Array Model

Since the pressing pressure is all 45 gf, you can then choose between “color” and “numeric keypad”.

tenkeyless model

full-size model

Split space bar and limited models

The other two are a full-size Japanese layout model with a split space bar (with kana notation) and a limited color tenkeyless Japanese layout model.

With numeric keypadwithout numeric keypad
→Split space bar model
→ Limited ivory color

The space bar is split and divided into two like this.

In addition to functioning as both spacebars, the keymap change function can be used to change the setting to your preference, such as “spacebar” on the left side and “backspace” on the right side.

Kawamura top RKawamura

If you are a touch typist, you probably use your left thumb to tap the space bar.
Therefore, you can assign any key you like to the right space bar.
By distributing the Layer, Shift, and Enter keys and pressing them with the right thumb, you should have a more efficient typing experience.

mainphoto 7

In addition, the ivory-colored tenkeyless model of REALFORCE, which has a strong fan base, is available in a limited edition of 300 units.

In fact, a full-size ivory-colored model was still available in September 2023.

This time, it is its ten-keyless model, which many of you have been waiting for.


With this expansion, there are even more models, and they look like this.

  • Full-size models|27 types
  • Ten-keyless model|28 types

The following three items are common to all models.

  • Capacitance non-contact method
  • APC
  • full-N key

Based on these factors, they differ in “design,” “color,” “arrangement,” “pressing pressure (load),” “keystroke sound,” and “connection method.

(data) itemContents
designR3 Style
R2 Style
Super White
Black + Dark Silver
Super White + Light Silver
array (programming, programing)JIS (Japanese alignment) = ISO
US (English alignment) = ANSI
JIS-Separate space bar
legendJapanese alignment with kana
Japanese alignment without kana (upper left Legend)
English sequence (center Legend)
Load (Pressing pressure)30g
Variable load (alphabetical keys only 45g /others 30g)
customizeSurface panel changeable
keystroke soundQuiet
access methodWired only
Hybrid (wired or wireless)

Hmmm, can’t choose lol.

It is good that there are so many choices, but it can be a bit difficult to discern these differences and choose the right one for you.

If you are limiting yourself to Japanese-language layouts only, you can definitely choose one of the split space bar models for full-size, or white or black without legend for ten-keyless.

For information on how to select other models, please also see the following article!



河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。
