On October 19, 2024, at 23:00 (JST), Cerakey updated its official sales website and launched a new lineup of 7u space bar sets.
The price is $18.00 and the colors are currently only available in black and white.
The name of the kit is “J Set” and the kit contents are 2 x 1.5u [CTRL], 2 x 1.5u [Alt]and 1 x 7u space bar.
As for the 7u space bar and 1.5u key, there are many examples of their use in WKL kits.
Many of you may be happy to see its arrival, as until now only the 6.25u size space bar and the 1.25u size mod key have been included in the standard kit.
To purchase, please visit the official website.
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