Cerakey’s flagship color “BLUE CRAZED” is in stock.


On March 20, 2024, Cerakey updated its official X to announce the arrival of BLUE CRAZED, the flagship color of the company’s ceramic keycaps.

Of course, this is the v2 version with the stem changed to plastic. (v1 is discontinued)


The flagship color is the same color, and its greatest feature is that it looks just like “pottery” due to the exquisite glaze.

I am especially impressed by the ridiculously high technology used to reproduce this “crack pattern” on each of those small keycaps.

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There are two versions available, one with legends and one unmarked.

If you are using a special layout such as a 40% keyboard, the unmarked version is likely to be more versatile.

Prices start at $144.00 for the full set.

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In addition to the full set, the company also sells selectable sets, such as the Alpha Key only, which is also attractive because it is in a price range that can be easily purchased by those who want to try it out first.

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