Could it be that thing was this? Comic Noise releases Kailh Choc V2 Silent Linear/Tactile


On May 1, 2024, Comic Noise updated its official X to announce the pre-sale of Kailh Choc V2 Silent /Tactile on its own online store.

Each package of 4 pieces is priced at 520 yen (including tax) and each piece costs 130 yen (including tax).

Switch specifications are as follows

Kailh Choc V2 Silent Linear

  • Type: Linear
  • Pressing pressure: approx. 43g±10gf
  • Stroke: 2.8±0.25mm
  • Contact: 1.2 mm ± 0.3 mm

Kailh Choc V2 Silent Tactile

  • Type:Tactile
  • Pressing pressure: approx. 55g±10gf
  • Stroke: 2.8±0.25mm
  • Contact: 1.2 mm ± 0.3 mm

Click here to purchase ▷▷▷.


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Could this be the one I got from Lofree the other day…?

I wasn’t the only one who had a sense of deja vu.

Yes, the look of this Silent Linear is the same as that low-profile key switch we recently received from Lofree as a prototype.

These specs are almost identical to what I observed.

  • Type: Linear
  • Pressing pressure: approx. 43g±10gf
  • Stroke: 2.8±0.25mm
  • Contact: 1.2 mm ± 0.3 mm

So, I am almost certain that what you were recently provided is the Kailh Choc V2 Silent Linear.

And I am surprised again that there is also a tactile key switch with a silent mechanism as well.

Actually, the Kailh Choc V2 Silent key switch has been rumored for some time.

In fact, Kailh Choc V2 Silent itself has been rumored for some time.

The following images are screenshots from Monokei Systems.


The goods will arrive in late Q2 2024 (probably in June), so there are no reports of arrivals yet…

This specification shows that Kailh Choc V2 Silent is used.


There were also rumors of its existence on social networking sites, as a key switch that looked like it had been uploaded with a mosaic (which now appears to have been deleted).

Kawamura top RKawamura

Some of you pointed this out! That’s what I’m talking about.


We have been reporting on the topic of the Kailh Choc V2 Silent Linear, which we thought was going to be sold by Lofree in Japan.

You can see how quiet it is in this video.

You said, “It’s a sample product, not a mass-produced product.” Is there a lot going on behind the scenes?

This is a business strategy, and there is still a lot to read in this area.

comic noise

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