How to physically prevent typing errors on mechanical keyboards


I think that the one thing that mechanical keyboard users go through at least once is “miss-touching” due to differences in keyboard layout.

In particular, keyboards with a tenkey-less layout, such as a 75% layout, and with special keys arranged in a single row on the right side, tend to have a lot of “miss-touches,” even if you are used to them.

This article describes how to physically prevent miss-touching on mechanical keyboards.

Please watch to the end!

Kawamura top R

Representative of GreenEchoes Studio

Ryosuke Kawamura

He launched his own media as a site operator and web writer, and now plans and manages multiple corporate media. He often types heavily in his work, and in his search for greater efficiency, he became addicted to the keyboard swamp and established “GreenKeys”.


Typical example of a keyboard that would have a lot of typos and mistypes.

This is just a rule of thumb, but I believe that the keys that are frequently mistouched on mechanical keyboards are “keys that are frequently pressed with the right pinky finger.

A particularly frequent layout is the “75% layout” keyboard.

Let’s start with an example key layout.

Thus, the more keys that are omitted, the more keys that could not be omitted are consolidated on the right edge.

In particular, the “special keys” shown in green in the figure are placed in the right column.

If you look closely, you will notice that these special keys are located to the right of the “backspace key” and the “Enter key,” which are frequently typed.

…In short, you could say that the keys next to the “right hand pinky typing” keys are the “frequently miss-typed” keys.

And the keys that fit this criteria are limited to keyboards that are “more compact than 75% layout”.

Typical keyboards with frequent missteps are listed below.

75% layout

Find 75% layout keyboard ▷▷▷

Kawamura top R河村

There is no concern about wrong input if the right row is physically independent, such as Keychron Q1/Q10/V1.

70% layout

Find 70% layout keyboard ▷▷▷

65% layout

Find 65% layout keyboard ▷▷▷

How to prevent typing errors on a mechanical keyboard

Here are three ways to “physically” prevent word strike.

  1. Remove the keycap.
  2. Remove the key switch → Install the key switch blocker
  3. Attach the key lock
  4. replace the keyboard

Remove the keycap.

MX Mechanical 10

The quickest solution to prevent word strike is to “make it impossible to press”.

Therefore, by removing the keycaps, it is possible to create an environment where the keycaps cannot be “pressed” to some extent.

However, the possibility remains that it could be pushed in any direction, and in addition, it is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Remove key switch and install key switch blocker (recommended).

Image reference: NuPhy

In addition to the above, if the entire keyswitch is removed, it is physically impossible to mistype.

However, in addition to being visually unattractive, the disadvantage is that dust can accumulate in the area where the circuit board is exposed.

Also, this method will not work unless the keyboard is hot-swappable.

If the keyboard is hot-swappable, it is most recommended to install a “key switch blocker”.

IMG 20230412 133051 scaled
Kawamura top RKawamura

This is a picture of the Keychron Q11 with the key switch blocker installed on the outer perimeter.

Thus, it is possible to use a 75% layout keyboard as if it were 65%.

081e8486 a550 413d 974d 6ec10bf785f9 base resized
Image reference:

It is available from Daraku-Neko’s Booth, so please give it a try!

Install a key lock (recommended!)

FKL01 02
Image credit: Diatech, Inc.

A method that can be used for keyboards that do not support hot-swapping is to install this “keylock”.

This would make it “physically impossible to press” without removing the keycaps and leaving the keyswitches in place.

FKL01 03
Image credit: Diatech, Inc.
FKL01 04
Image credit: Diatech, Inc.

The product is sold by “Dia Tech Corporation,” a company that sells keyboards and palm rests under the FILCO brand, and its reliability is outstanding.

However, this key lock cannot be used for low-profile key switches.

Note that the use is limited to “Cherry MX” key switches only.

In addition, note that the following keyswitches cannot be used.

Unavailable keyswitches

  • Keys that are not 1U in size, such as Enter /Space /Shift
  • ESC / Function keys Top row of etc.

Keyswitches not warranted for use

  • Keyboards with Cherry MX compatible key switches

→This site is for introduction only. Please understand that we cannot guarantee the operation.

replace the keyboard

One way to do this would be to take the plunge and replace the keyboard.

Although it will no longer have mechanical key switches, the MX Mini can be typed very comfortably because the function keys are not arranged on the right side and it also has function keys.

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created by Rinker
¥16,536 (2025/03/25 21:09:55時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

Also, a keyboard with a 60% layout would be comfortable to type on, since there is no single row on the right side to begin with.

See the list of keyboards with 60% layout ▷▷▷


The above has described how to physically prevent miss-touching during keyboard input.

It is still best to “get used to it”, but it is very difficult to correct long-standing habits….

In such cases, a “key lock” may be a good solution.

They were keyboard chips.



河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。
