Jiztyle announces new TRRS cable “HUE


On April 29, 2024, Jizai Style, which produces and sells TRRS cables for split keyboards and other products, posted images of its new TRRS cable, HUE.


Unlike the previous “DENSE” models, “HUE” offers a wide variety of colors, and the main feature of “HUE” is that the hardware has been changed to black.

On the other hand, the different cable characteristics can be seen in the video below.

With the recent release of Corne V4 and the Altair /Altair-X, there seems to be a growing interest in split keyboards.

This colorful new cable will probably be very popular as well.

Kawamura top RKawamura

I have DENSE and this beauty is truly amazing.
Will purchase additional items!

For more information, please visit the official Jizai Style X or sales stores.

Click here to visit the store ▷▷▷.

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