NuPhy announces the release of its first magnetic keyboard, the FIELD75HE


Click here to read the review article.

On May 13, 2024, NuPhy updated its official X to announce the release of the FIELD75HE, the company’s first keyboard with magnetic keyswitches.

At this time, only a blacked-out teaser photo is available, and no details have been released.

As usual, a few adjustments to the photo…

unnamed scaled

This time it was backlit and did not look good.

Kawamura top RKawamura

It would be nice if the keycap color was gray-on-gray or some other easy-to-use coloring…gaming keyboards are flashy.

Field75 was a mechanical keyboard that was available for pre-order on April 15, 2023, and was double-named CIY.

NuPhy×CIY「Field75」の詳細についてレビュー!新しいキースイッチを採用したゲーミングメカニカルキー... 追記:FIELD75HEをレビューしました。 2023年4月15日、NuPhyは公式ツイッターアカウントを更新し、CIYとのコラボレーション商品「Field75」の発売を発表しました。 ...

The vertical rotary encoder, mechanical looks, and other flashy looks targeted at gaming fans were the talk of the town.

However, due to their eccentric looks and the fact that the wave of magnetic keyboards had already arrived in the gaming scene, I don’t think they were talked about that much in Japan.

The interest of NuPhy fans will be very high, as this is the first time that magnetic keyswitches have been supported.

Please look forward to further reports.

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