Started a project (tentative) to let the world know about small keyboards.


This is Kawamura of Greenkeys management.

The #KLE Array Championship was held under the sponsorship of takashicompany.

I like homemade keyboards and have very many pieces but can not design at all.

It was such a dream come true for me.

Unfortunately, we did not make the cut, but we were happy to be selected for the “personal favorite” slot.

Since this is a good opportunity, as Greenkeys, we would like to plan and start a project to “let the world know about small keyboards”.

Kawamura top RKawamura

I haven’t come up with a good project name at all, so it’s (tentative) for now.

Technology provided by @takashicompany


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Greenkeys Keyboard Project


In many cases, the keyboard is a “text entry device,” something we type on every day at work.

Therefore, you are required to be able to “hit the ball as usual with your usual feeling.

From that perspective, the less common “small keyboard” is not practical because it takes time to learn how to type = i.e., high switching costs.

However, once mastered, the user can enjoy the great advantage of being able to type with minimal finger movement required.

Plus, it’s easy to carry around, and if anything, it’s kind of cute.

Kawamura top RKawamura

Depending on the size, maybe some of them can fit in a Nintendo DS case.

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Case for zinc and nintendo switch. Maybe 5 rows of one hand would fit.

After all, the problem of high switching costs cannot be solved immediately.

But what if we view the small keyboard not as a “practical input device” but as a “slightly different gadget”?

If it is a gadget, you can also enjoy the “fun” aspect of the keyboard, spending time exploring the keymap, enjoying customization, and enjoying the keyboard as a “hobby or leisure activity within the scope of your leisure time”.

As an extension of this, wouldn’t it be a very logical use if it led to the result of “using it in business”?

Therefore, we would like to promote the keyboard planned by takashicompany as a “small gadget for enjoyment.

Issues related to keyboard sales

Naturally, since it is a business, it must be “monetized.

In this case, monetization is not the same as advertising the name of the media, so even if we do not hope to make a large profit, we cannot afford to do so at a loss if we want to ensure the continuity of our business.

Other challenges include.

  • Requires assembly with solder
  • Firmware needs to be written
  • Need to match switches and keycaps, etc.
  • Hard work to boil down the key map
  • Print your own case or order one.
  • follow-up service issue

It is piling up quite a bit.

We considered the following measures in the current situation.

  • First, the soldering issue. This could be designed like Corne v4, where you do a PCBA, so that there is no soldering work when you get it in your hands….
  • We could also work out the firmware by writing it down in advance.
  • Regarding the switch and keycap issue, the availability of keycaps is poor, so we will arrange for them to be included here in advance. As for switches, they are now available on Amazon these days, so we will not include them in consideration of preference issues. Since TRRS cables are also necessary this time, we would like to give back to the stores in the area by introducing JIZAI, Daily Craft Keyboard, TALP, Amazon, etc. so that people can choose according to their preferences.
  • As for printing, it is set to the minimum necessary with A-Z printing plus symbols.
  • The policy is to mediate with YUZU and FKcustom if necessary, since the keymap is very flexible.
  • For the keymap problem, we will present the basis of the concept with content that explains the keymap we use, and then allow the participants to “enjoy” the process of boiling it down on their own.
  • As for the case, I honestly have no idea, but it looks like it could be assembled with a single screwdriver if it is screwed from the bottom like Corne’s 3D case, or if a pre-cut acrylic sheet is included and sandwiched together.
  • With regard to follow-up issues, care was taken to avoid software and hardware problems as much as possible.
  • As for the “I soldered but it didn’t work” consultation, we dare to do PCBA to reduce the risk because isolating the problem area is very complicated and time-consuming.

Target audience for use is “non-homemade keyboard users” gadget lovers.

Since the concept of this project is “Introduction to Small Keyboards,” the target audience is “gadget enthusiasts” who are not familiar with self-made keyboards.

I feel that there is a situation where many people who are interested in making their own keyboards are frustrated by the “soldering” and mechanics and do not even knock on the door.

First of all, if we can make it something that can be assembled with the feeling of “mini 4WD” or “Gundam plastic models” and can be assembled with a single screwdriver, it would be easy to buy.

The last one is “price.

I think this is a very important part to consider when thinking about selling with a profit on it.



So the project started abruptly.

For now, we would like to move in this direction.

I myself am an advertiser, so I will leave the production part entirely to takashicompany.

Instead, we would like to focus on advertising on the web.

I have been in the keyboarding area for about two years now, and while I am very good at deepening within, I think I am a little less good at expanding outward.

Certainly, if the entry hurdle is lowered, it is quite possible that those who are not so knowledgeable will come and cause trouble.

However, I hope we can create an environment “for everyone to enjoy” including that.

I would be happy if you could keep an eye on the project, as I would like to proceed with it after taking into consideration the opinions of everyone in the community.

(I’ll leave the comment section open, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!)

Scroll to the bottom for the comments section.

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

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