Cerakey Yellow has a long-awaited restocking notice, arriving on June 4, 2024!


On May 29, 2024, Cerakey updated its official X to announce the arrival date of the popular color “Yellow,” which had long been out of stock.


The re-release date is set for June 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM (GMT).

Japan is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, and taking into account daylight savings time, the Japanese time release date will be June 4, 2024, at 10:00 PM. Officials have indicated that daylight savings time will not be taken into account. The release date in Japan will be June 4, 2024 at 11:00 PM. Reference ▷▷▷

The official X is an unusual advance announcement and encourages people to register for “arrival notification”.

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Unusual “advance notice of arrival”…because

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In the past, most of Cerakey’s posts on X have been to announce the arrival of the product after it has arrived, rather than to announce its arrival in advance.

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The reason behind the advance delivery information may be that it is a popular color.

When this site partnered with Cerakey in March, yellow was already out of stock, and when we asked Cerakey to send us a sample, we received the response “Yellow is not available.

In fact, the company has been out of stock for more than three months.

Considering that Yellow started selling in mid-March as a new color, the first shipment was all sold out and this is the second shipment.

The intention may be to give advance notice and see the number of items registered in the arrival notification notice, so that the recipient may have an indication of readiness to respond to the shipment.

Homing key caps will arrive later than this.

As for the “homing keycaps” with protrusions on the “F” and “J” parts, which are common on plastic keycaps, Cerakey does not include them in the full set or alpha kit, and they must be purchased separately as an “I kit.

In our interview with Cerakey officials, they responded that keycaps with homing will be available later than this shipment because of the different “SKUs”.

SKU is an abbreviation for stock keeping unit, which is the unit used to count the minimum number of items in inventory control. In short, it means the number of inventory items that can be sold.

To chew on the context of the story, this means that the homing keycaps are manufactured on a separate line and there is no inventory available for sale at this time.

Therefore, yellow homing keycaps are expected to arrive later than this restock.

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I can see why you would want to purchase a set with the homing keycap considering the shipping costs, but perhaps if you wait for the homing keycap to come back in stock, the full set will sell out.
Shipping for the homing keycap only is inexpensive at about $5.00, so if you want one, you should buy the full set first.

Attractive typing sound and outstanding looks

The appeal of cerakey is its thocky sound and shiny appearance.

This is a unique personality that attracts fans.


This is to inform you of the restocking information of Cerakey’s popular color, “yellow”.

It is expected that the product will probably sell out as soon as it goes on sale, with orders pouring in from all over the world.

First, register for “arrival notification” and sit on your hands and wait to purchase immediately at 10:00 p.m. on June 4, if you live in Japan.

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