Cerakey’s Split Spacebars Set has been redesigned and restocked


On September 5, 2024, Cerakey updated its official X to announce the renewal and restocking of the long out-of-stock H set (Split Spacebars Set).


The launch is scheduled for September 5, 2024 at 23:00 Japan time, and sales have already begun.

Priced at $10.00 and available in nine colors, it may be used as an accent color.


The two points of renewal are the change of the mold at the time of creation and the addition of a “B” legend for the 1uR4 key.

Although no specific mold changes are noted, it appears that the convex bulge is slightly larger.

Please use the discount code “ryo10” to receive $5.00 off your bill when you make your purchase.

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Cerakey Discount Code


to save $5.00 off your purchase.



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