Cool New Domikey Keycap “Fennie x Domikey Terrazzo” Available from KPrepublic


Domikey has also shown us a new world.

On December 10, 2024, KPrepublic announced the availability of a new Fennie x Domikey Terrazzo Keycap for its mailing list subscribers.

It will be manufactured by Domikey and sold by KPrepublic Store.

Fennie x Domikey Terrazzo Keycap Cherry Profile ABS Doubleshots Set for keyboard Rainy75 EZ60 EZ63 MAde68.jpg 77576af6 a9ab 4189 bbe9 cde109b0284a


  • ABS Double-shot
  • Cherry Profile
  • Mix Plastic Particles Injection
  • Screen Print Novelties

The set consists of Base and Novelty, and the lineup includes three “All in One” sets that combine these two.

selling price

  • Base Kit|$106.91
  • Novelties Kit|$19.54
  • All in One Kit|$118.56
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The most distinctive feature of this kit is its “terrazzo feel.

Actually, this seems to be an Italian word.

Terrazzo is an artificial stone (artificial stone) made by mixing marble, granite, or other crushed stone (seed stone) with cement or resin and polishing the surface flat.

It is called “Terrazzo” in Italian and also “terrazzo” or “terrazzo” in Japan.

The expression of this artificial stone mixed with plastic is new.


The “terrazzo feel” is beautifully expressed.

As for the novelty kits, they appear to be screen printed, but the regular base kits are ABS double-shot, so there is no need to worry about the printing being erased by typing.

The orange print is a very bright vitamin color, and the keyboard will make you feel energized just by looking at it.

If you like it, please take a look at the official website.

Use coupon code “HOTTYHOTTEA” for $5.00 off at checkout. (only on first order)

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