Corne V4 sold out shortly after arrival…two shipments a day were instantly sold out…very popular


As we had previously reported, the corne v4 sales page appeared on the Yousha Kobo online store, and it became a hot topic of conversation.

The product was fully sold in the online store on March 22, 2024, but it was found to be sold out immediately.

Once again, its popularity was highlighted.

The change to the RP2040 base and the change to make it possible for anyone to assemble without the need for soldering were considered to have contributed to the popularity of the product.

The designer’s tweet also indicates that the case that comes with the product is injection molded.

There were two unusual arrivals on the first day of sales.

A “Notice of Arrival” is sent simultaneously at 12:37 p.m. on March 22, 2024, for users who had registered for the Notice of Arrival.


The site showed that the product was already out of stock.

The second notification was at 19:24 on the same day.

It was great until I got to the point where I had to add it to my cart, but after some hesitation, it was sold out.

We will keep you posted on the arrival of new arrivals, so please register to receive notifications of new arrivals and wait for them.

Reference: Yusha Kobo

Kawamura top RKawamura

Out of frustration that I could not purchase it, I ordered it from Economy PCBA. I chose white for the board; I plan to use it as a corne mini. I don’t have a case, so I plan to use an acrylic sandwich. I’m not sure what I will do with the board since there seems to be a surplus. It is an economy PCBA and the switch sockets, LEDs, and USB connector need to be hand soldered. I am not sure if it will work properly.

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