e element mechanical keyboards on sale on Amazon Black Friday at a huge discount!


The e Element, which has become a popular introduction to mechanical keyboards, is now available in the Amazon Black Friday sale and is considerably less expensive.

The price reduction of even just the inexpensive e-element gives the impression that it has become quite a festival.

Opportunity to purchase mechanical keyboards starting at 3,000 yen.

This would be perfect for those who want to try it out…………………

If you are interested, why not take a peek?

Kawamura top R

Representative of GreenEchoes Studio

Ryosuke Kawamura

He launched his own media as a site operator and web writer, and now plans and manages multiple corporate media. He often types heavily in his work, and in his search for greater efficiency, he became addicted to the keyboard swamp and established “GreenKeys”.


e element recommended 100% layout keyboard

full size (computer, e.g.)

As the name suggests, a 100% layout keyboard is a keyboard with all keys aligned with a numeric keypad, special keys, and directional keys independent of each other.

It can be said to be recommended for those who have plenty of space to place it and for those who are not too concerned about the distance to be traveled by the right hand.

E元素メカニカル式ゲーミングキーボード104キー 茶軸・赤軸・青軸アンチゴーストキー RGB発光LEDバックライト付き 標準英語配列 防水機能付き Windows XP/Vista / 7/8/10対応のゲーム用キーボード(青軸, ホワイト レトロなキーキャップ)

e element recommended 80% TKL layout keyboard

Tenkeyless ~ Compact

The 80% TKL (tenkeyless) layout omits the numeric keypad and has separate directional keys.

If you do not have the opportunity to type numbers frequently, an 80% layout will work fine.

e元素ゲーミングキーボード87キー メカニカルキースイッチ青軸・赤軸を採用 単色LEDバックライト付き RGBサイドグロー US英語配列 抗干渉アンチゴーストキー ゲーム/オフィス用キーボード(赤軸・ホワイト+グレー)

This is a somewhat special arrangement.

e element recommended 75% layout keyboard

ultra compact

The 75% layout is a layout in which the directional and special keys are squeezed into the right side.

Typical compact keyboards often use this layout.

This is the most popular form.

e element recommended 60% layout keyboard

Level of familiarity required

This is the array that I personally use the most.

With the 60% layout, the top row of function keys, directional keys, and special keys are omitted and must be entered using the Fn key combination, which takes some time to get used to.

Recommended for those who do not want to move their fingers from the home position.

It’s more of a layout for experts, so if you’re up for a challenge, give it a try!

E元素 60%メカニカルキーボード USB有線 63キー 赤軸を採用のゲーミングキーボード 静音 1680万色RGBバックライト付き 小型コンパクトキーボード 英語配列 Windows/Macに対応 在宅勤務 オフィス ゲーミング (ホワイト,赤軸Z-22)


河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

WEBサイト運営事業GreenEchoes Studio代表をしています。他社法人メディアの運営ほかキーボードメディアや通信系メディアへの寄稿を行うなど、ウェブライターとしても活動しています。今年はオリジナルキーキャップセットを作る予定。
