KAM Playground is now available from Keyreative|Designed by biip


On November 13, 2024, Keyreative announced the launch of its new product, KAM Playground, on its official discord and update notification email subscribers and on the official X


KAM Playground was designed by “biip,” a popular designer behind KAT Operator and KAT White on Black Extensions.

The black base is lined with colorful icons, creating a distinctive pop design that is unmistakably his own.


In addition, while Dye-Sub (sublimation printing) is usually chosen for such detailed designs in most cases, it is surprising to see that all of them were created using Double-shot (two-color molding).


In short, all the designs are made through a very complex process of creating molds and overlaying the letters and icons and the base of the keycaps separately, which allows us to appreciate Keyreative’s technological prowess throughout the product.


The key profile is a KAM profile with uniform slope in all rows, allowing the use of any icon keycap in any location.


Kit contents and prices are as follows


  • Base Kit | $85.00
  • Extensions K-01 audiophile | $35.00
  • Extensions K-02 streamer | $30.00
  • Extensions K-03 creator | $35.00
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