New Keycap Set “The Wandering Earth II KOL” from NuPhy


On March 15, 2024, NuPhy updated its official X to announce the launch of the new The Wandering Earth II KOL.

To coincide with the release of these keycaps, a campaign is being held to offer the keycaps at half price when the keyboard and the same keycaps are purchased as a set. (The campaign will last until March 29.)

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The KOL profile Space Engineer Keycaps is a set of 154 keys, with a very wide coverage of 60 / 61 / 64 / 65 / 67 / 68 / 75 / 84 / 87 / 96 / 98 / 100 / 104 / 108 / Alice / ISO.

The 2.25u/2.75u space bar is included, which would be great for use with split keyboards or 40% layout keyboards.

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The KOL profile used can be seen to be slightly higher in overall height than Cherry, leaning more toward the high pro.

The rounded corners also give a slightly softer impression.

Also, the sides are shine-through, allowing the backlight to pass through.

Priced at $69.00, it is one of the less expensive full keycap sets.

Coupon NuPhy 400

Discount Code: ryo10

to save 10% off your purchase.

Japanese users, please click here (technical compliance).

Products only available at NuPhy Official
(Coupon code supported)

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