Wobkey Rainy75/DOIO KB16 now on schedule to arrive


On June 11, 2024, KIBU Corporation, the authorized Japanese distributor of the Wobkey Rainy75/DOIO KB16, disclosed the restocking schedule of the machine to this media outlet.

The restocking schedule is as follows.

Wobkey Rainy75入荷予定
DOIO KB16入荷予定

It will be available at Amazon/KIBU Shop. If you want to use Rainy75 with Japanese layout, please purchase from KIBU Shop.

ISO-compliant plates” are available only at the KIBU Shop.

However, it is only ISO compatible. Please note that when compared to a perfect Japanese layout, there is no key corresponding to “RO” in the lower right corner.

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河村 亮介のアバター 河村 亮介 GreenKeys運営責任者/事業代表

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