NuPhy Air75 v2が出荷遅延

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Dear NuPhy customers:

We understand and feel your eagerness to get your hands on Air75 V2, and this is why with regrets we are writing to inform you that we are behind on our shipping schedule, and unfortunately cannot process all the shipments for pre-sale orders by the promised deadline of the 13th of Oct, at the end of which day we estimate only 60% of pre-sale orders will have been shipped. 

The silver lining is that with the exception of NuPacks, we have almost received all the shipping contents needed in our warehouse, and will continue to dedicate all relevant workforce towards accelerating their dispatching, which will continue during the weekends as well as the weekdays. 90% of orders are expected to be shipped by the 17th of Oct, and 100% of orders not including NuPacks by the 19th of Oct. The NuPacks will not arrive before the 25th due to QC issues during the trial production, however we will offer the option of shipping them separately for free, so customers who ordered the NuPacks would be able to receive their keyboards earlier and in due time will receive E-mails to indicate their choices of preferred shipping method(separate shipping by default if no response is received). Should you have any other inquiry regarding your order please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Best regards,


  • 予約販売締め切りまでに順次出荷予定だったが10月13日時点で注文数の60%しか出荷できていない
  • 注文の90%が10月17日までに出荷される見通し
  • 10月19日には全て出荷される見通し
  • NuPackの入庫が遅延しており、10月25日になる見通し
  • 一緒に注文した方は同梱することが難しいため、無料で別途配送となる(デフォルト)





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