MelGeek Mojo68 Plastic updated with selectable keycap material


MelGeek, a custom mechanical keyboard brand, has updated the keyswitch choices and keycap options for its Mojo68 Plastic model.

Mojo68 is a mechanical keyboard that has been the talk of the town since December 2022, when a technically compliant model was contracted on the crowdfunding site “Makuake” and began shipping at the end of January 2023.

There is no indication that the model with technical compliance will be officially sold in Japan, but it is possible to purchase an equivalent model (although it does not support technical compliance) on the official website.

With this update, the material of the keycaps can be selected.

Kawamura top R

Representative of GreenEchoes Studio

Ryosuke Kawamura

He launched his own media as a site operator and web writer, and now plans and manages multiple corporate media. He often types heavily in his work, and in his search for greater efficiency, he became addicted to the keyboard swamp and established “GreenKeys”.


Mojo68 Plastic keycaps now available in select PBT material

MelGeekMojo68PlasticSee throughMechanicalKeyboard2

This change allows (1) the number of key switches to be selected and (2) “PBT material keycaps” to be selected for some key switches.

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Key switches to be keycaps made of PBT material

  • Gateron Pro White

Key switches to be keycaps made of ABS material as before

  • Gateron Pro Yellow
  • Gateron Pro White
  • Gateron Pro Brown
  • Gateron Pro Silver
  • TTC Gold Pink
  • TTC Speed Silver
  • TTC Frozen Silent
  • TTC Blueish White
  • Kailh Custom Plastic
typePressing depth (mm)Weight (gf)
Kailh Custom Plasticlinear3.638
Gateron Pro Whitelinear438
Gateron Pro Silverlinear3.445
Gateron Pro Yellowlinear450
Gateron Pro Browntactile455
TTC Gold Pinklinear437
TTC Speed Silverlinear3.445
TTC Frozen Silentlinear3.539
TTC Blueish Whitetactile3.542

Difference in keystroke sound due to different keycap materials

Keycaps are generally made of ABS or PBT, and each material has a slightly different keystroke sound.

ABS material

sense of touchOften slippery.
durabilityLow. UV sensitivity and risk of discoloration.
abrasion resistanceLow. Shine occurs after use.
keystroke soundNoticeable “clacking” high-pitched tone.

PBT material

sense of touchOften coarse and silky.
abrasion resistanceHighs. Less shiny when used.
processabilitySlightly low.
keystroke soundThe bass sound is characterized by a “kotokotoko” sound.

Reference: Sansan Tech Blog

The keycaps used on Mojo68 Plastic have an “MDA profile,” which is slightly taller than the standard Cherry, so the PBT material will have a more distinctive thumping bass sound.

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Kawamura top RKawamura

In general, the impression is that taller keycap shapes have a lower sound.
ex,SA/MG/MT3 etc.

8% discount with coupon code when purchasing from the official website.

This is to inform you about the updates to Mojo68 Plastic.

MelGeek is very hard to track because of the silent implementation of these use changes lol.

At any rate, this is a great update for prospective buyers.

Truly, Mojo68 offers a high-quality keystroke feel that is unimaginable at this price point.

Please give it a try!

When making a purchase, please use the coupon code from the partnership between MelGeek and this site to receive an 8% discount.

Coupon Melgeek

to save 8% off your purchase.

Discount Code: ryo10



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