Cerakey’s WaterBlue is in stock


On May 23, 2024, Cerakey updated its official X to announce that its out-of-stock “Water Blue” ceramic keycaps have been restocked.

Only the engraved model has arrived, and the arrival date for the unengraved model has not yet been determined.

However, blank sets are in stock for individual purchase.


The price is $135.00 for the full set, or you can purchase individual items.


As for the full set, the homing key is sold separately, so it is recommended to purchase the “I-set” separately as well.

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As we have reported in the past, Cerakey continues to be unable to keep up with supply against demand and is currently still missing full sets of purple, yellow, and canal blue.

If you’ve been wanting one, here it is while it’s still in stock.

Please note that when you make your purchase, you can use a coupon code in partnership with this site and Cerakey to receive $5.00 off your account.

Coupon Cerakey

Cerakey Discount Code


to save $5.00 off your purchase.

Click here for a full set of Cerakey WaterBlue ▷▷▷.

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